Episode 20: I’m A Man!!

We did it! 20 weeks ago we started on this journey and you have been right there with us along the way. This week's episode is about perspective. The show kicks off with Dorance's story about his parents selling his childhood home and his role in the process. How mishandling the reinvestment of family wealth can ruin the family legacy.

The conversation then turns to the differences between financing and leasing a vehicle. As both of our hosts make a point for each side of the argument. That leads the conversation to a topic we haven't covered on our show before. (for good reason lol.) The hosts take time to digest a reoccurring topic that's popular amongst creators. Is a man's value specifically tied to his ability to provide financially.

The show wraps up with a quick convo about the eviction moratorium, its future impact, and how the 'housing is a human right' argument is fundamentally flawed.

We want to say thank you for your continued support and we look forward to bringing so much more value to Season 2.

Let us know how you feel in the comments below!

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Instagram - @DCreightonii

Instagram - @TheGoogleGrad

Instagram - @RichByMonday


Episode 19: Don’t Be Dumb